About the Library
We are a small public library situated on the Tioga River Valley of North Central Pennsylvania. Our library is a great place to spend time reading, learning, sharing, growing and playing. The library, which was defunct during World War II, was reformed in 1946 under the name Blossburg Memorial Library as a way to honor those who served in any way during that time. It continues to honor those living and deceased from the community. The library has free programs, activities, and events for people of all ages, as well as books, dvds, audiobooks, public computers, and many other resources for our patrons. We are a safe and fun place to spend time with friendly staff and volunteers. Our welcoming children’s area encourages active play, as well as reading. Come check out what we have to offer!
Director – Lis Miranda
Library Assistant/Youth Services Coordinator – Laura Mullins
Library Assistant – Ash Peet
Library Assistant – Teri Messmer
Board of Directors
The affairs of the Blossburg Memorial Library are governed by eleven members of the Board of Directors. The Library Board holds quarterly meetings on the third Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at 6:00 PM in the Community Room of the Library. All board meetings are open to the public. Times and dates are subject to change, please call the library to confirm.
Board Members
Tonya McNamara, President
Roger Bunn, Vice President
Heather Deitrick, Treasurer
Amy Gundersen, Secretary
Jack Eckman
Kate Phinney
Shane Nickerson
Sheri Wagaman
Uni Hicks-Lee
Annie Brooks
Blossburg Borough Council Representatives:
Josh Jones
Kallie Wickman
Operating Hours
Regular Hours
Monday-Wednesday: 12pm-7pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm (11am-12pm is Sensory Friendly Hour)
Friday: 12pm-5pm
Saturday: 9am-2pm
Sunday: Closed
Holiday Closings
- New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day Saturday and Monday
- July 4th – Independence Day
- Labor Day Saturday and Monday
- Thanksgiving and the Friday after
- Christmas
We may close early before a holiday or close an extra day during the winter holidays. Please call ahead to be sure. Items will not be due during holidays or other days closed; due dates are adjusted accordingly.
Inclement Weather Policy
If Southern Tioga School District is closed, has a delay, or an early dismissal, The Blossburg Memorial Library MAY close, open late, or close early. Please check our Facebook page or call the library for details. If there is a STSD closing, delay, or early dismissal, any programs scheduled at the library will be cancelled. It is our wish to ensure patrons, staff and volunteers are safe in the event of inclement weather.
Library Collection
- New and Best-Selling Books
- Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Large Print Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Classics
- Picture Books and Board Books
- Juvenile Beginning Readers (decodable books and leveled readers)
- Juvenile Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Juvenile Graphic Novels
- Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Audio Books on CD
- DVDs
- Newspapers/Magazines
- A digital library on the Libby app, with e-books and audiobooks. See “online resources” and click eBranch2Go for more information.
Library Card Catalog
- Click here to access our online Card Catalog
- To view your current loans, reserves, history or renew items on loan, click on My Account.
- For the first use, you will need to create an account using your library card number and the last 4 digits of the phone number on record in your library card account at the library. You can change this password after your first login.
Loan Policies
See our Circulation Policy for full policy.
- All items other than DVDs circulate for two weeks.
- DVDs circulate for one week and are free to rent, however new DVDs (marked with a “New” sticker), circulate for 2 days and cost $1.00 to rent.
- Fines are 15¢ per title per day except for DVDs, which are $1.00 per title per day.
Get a Library Card
Library cards are available to all individuals. While our service area includes Blossburg Borough, Bloss, Putnam, Covington, Hamilton and Ward Townships, anybody who uses our library is eligible for a free card.
Click here to print a library card application. Bring the completed application with a photo ID with a current address to the library to receive your library card.
Please let us know if your phone, e-mail, or address changes. Accounts expire after 3 years. They are easily renewed at the front desk or over the phone.
We offer five (5) computers connected to the internet with access to POWER Library and other useful eResources. You may log on with your library card for 60 minutes, which may be renewed if there is nobody else waiting to use a computer.
Printing (black and white only) costs 25 cents per page.
We also offer free WiFi access.

Rental Space
We offer the rental of our spacious Community Room for your party, meeting or event: $85.00 plus a $25.00 refundable deposit. This fee may be waived for community organizations; please inquire. Complete our rental agreement and return to reserve your date.
Other Services
- Inter-Library Loans: If we don’t have what you’re looking for, ask and we may be able to obtain it from another library for you!
- Faxes: $2.00 for the first page, $1.00 for each page thereafter
- Copies and printouts: 25¢ per page
- Laminating: Please call ahead for scheduling. $5.00 per item plus $1.00 per foot
- Comfortable sitting area for your relaxation
- Family-friendly play area